Are You Virtually Networking?
LinkedIn and other networking sites provide tremendous opportunities to connect with a big number of experts from various industries.
Are You Virtually Networking?
LinkedIn is one of the most effective networking tools available to customers in their job search. Clients can not only find and contact those in important positions at their target organisations, but they can also initiate contact with each one, develop their own professional image, and position themselves as an applicant of choice (both passively and actively) for current and future job. If you’re looking for a new role, a well-written resume is only one piece of the puzzle
What is a LinkedIn connection request message?
Are You Virtually Networking?
Sending out connection requests to other professionals on LinkedIn is the first step in growing your network. When you click “Connect” on any profile to add them to your network, you’ll see the following message:

In a LinkedIn connection request, what should you say?
While it’s easy (and tempting) to send the connection request without including a note, doing so considerably increases the chances of your request being accepted. Personalization may aid in the beginning of meaningful discussions and the creation of lasting first impressions.
When you choose not to provide a note with your connection request, your recipient will see something along the lines of “I’d like to join your network.” This provides no context for who you are or why you want to connect, and it may limit the number of contacts you may establish.
Personalisation may aid in the beginning of meaningful discussions and the creation of lasting first impressions. The maximum length of a note appended to a connection request is 300 characters, so keep it short and sweet. Get imaginative and carefully consider what you want to express. Make it easy for people to connect with you by giving them a cause to do so.
Advice on how to personalise your LinkedIn connection request messages
Here are a few pointers to help you effectively modify the introduction note:
Tip: Only connect with people you know or are interested in knowing. Sending generic LinkedIn requests to random people can backfire. If a large number of people who receive your connection request say they don’t know who you are, you may be blocked.
Please introduce yourself.
Always provide a brief description of who you are and what you do (no more than a line or two)
On shared ground, come together by:
Checking their LinkedIn profile for common interests, groups, academic institutions, mutual contacts, or employers, and utilise that as an ice-breaker in your connection message.
Quick Tips for LinkedIn Success: Are You Virtually Networking?
• You can learn more about them by looking at their social media accounts or LinkedIn updates. Like, retweet, or comment on their posts to establish a friendly connection. Use it as a talking point in your connection request to add authenticity.
• If you have mutual contacts, you can request an introduction from one of them.Make it apparent that you want to connect.
Whether you’re looking for professional assistance, want to learn more about their work, or want to learn about job chances at their firm, stating your intentions in the connection request will help to set expectations.
Steps to take:
Once your connection request has been granted, send a simple thank you email to keep the discussion going. And, if you haven’t already, invite them for a cup of coffee! You’ll learn more about local culture and industry best practices the more individuals you meet and chat to.
Finally, remember the five P’s while crafting your letter — your request should be:
• Polite • Relevant • Personalized • Professional • Thankful
Thank me Later
Templates for LinkedIn connection requests: Are You Virtually Networking?
For Someone’s work you Admire:
Hello there, [first name].
I came across an article you authored about [subject] on LinkedIn. I completely agree with your viewpoint on [insert key takeaway from article]. I’m a newcomer to Canada with a keen interest in [topic]. I’d like to stay in touch with you and learn more about what you do.
[First and last name]If you’re in the same LinkedIn group as someone:
Hello, [first name]
I noticed you went to [university or college] – I went there [x] years ago and graduated! I’d like to contact you and see how we can work together on a professional level.
I wish you luck.[First and last name]
In the case of a recruiter:
Hello, [first name]
I recently noticed that you work for [firm]. I’ve been working as a [your industry] professional for numerous years. If you have time, please contact me to see if you have any openings for someone with my background.
Thank you so much in advance.
For second degree connections:
Hello, [first name]
I saw we’re both connected to [name and title of mutual relationship]. [Mutual connection name] and I worked on a project together, and he/she praised you. I’d be delighted to add you to my professional network so that we can mutually benefit.
I look forward to connecting with you.
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