Keeping positive while job hunting

We’ve all been there at some stage in our lives. Sitting at home, clicking the mouse until your finger goes numb. Scouring the jobs and applying for anything that sounds remotely appropriate. When the rejection emails start coming in… it’s hard. It’s demotivating. Sometimes it’s downright humiliating. Keeping positive as you search for a job […]

How to survive an internet search by potential employers

A recent survey by job search site CareerBuilder discovered that 37 percent of hiring managers use Google to research job applicants. This highlights the need for prospective employees to consider the whole internet as the cover page to their resume. With over 65 percent of that group using Facebook as their primary resource, social media […]

Searching for a career how to pass the test

Starting out in any career can be difficult, particularly when your chosen industry is a revolving door for change. Sure, you’ve dedicated great time and money to earning that graduating certificate, but when it’s time to apply for that all important first job, are you really ready for the professional world? Some industries are open […]

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