Keeping positive while job hunting


We’ve all been there at some stage in our lives. Sitting at home, clicking the mouse until your finger goes numb. Scouring the jobs and applying for anything that sounds remotely appropriate. When the rejection emails start coming in… it’s hard. It’s demotivating. Sometimes it’s downright humiliating.

Keeping positive as you search for a job is vital. You may not realise it, but if you are feeling down and depressed, or angry and bitter, this often transfers inadvertently to the tone of your application. At times you can even come across as desperate and possibly sound like you’re begging, which often… we are!

Here’s how to stop the job hunt from getting you down:


Establish a daily routine and do your best to stick to it. It’s very easy to be distracted by all the other things going on around you or to find excuses to stop job hunting. Get out of your pyjamas, make yourself a coffee and get cracking!

Look after your mind and body

While routine is great, you should make sure that routine includes time out for you to refresh and rejuvenate your mind and body. Go for a walk, bike ride or swim. If your head is thumping and you are getting frustrated, sometimes a simple walk around the block can blow the cobwebs away and you can return to the computer ready to attack.

Stay connected

Talk to people. Whether you choose to do this online (blogs, chat rooms, forums) or face-to-face, it’s so important to keep interacting with people. Keep on top of what is happening in your industry. Talk to friends and work colleagues. Volunteer at a local community group, particularly if it has anything to do with your industry, or just to get you out of the house and into society.

You are not alone

It’s very easy to feel alone in your job search. Often you feel like you are the only person out there who can’t get an interview or job. But there are thousands of others in your situation. Remind yourself of the positive things about you and celebrate even the smallest of victories, such as getting a phone call or email. Allow yourself time to be disappointed if you don’t get the job, but then move on to the next one. Do not dwell or mull over it too long. There are bigger and better things around the corner!

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